Monday, November 16, 2009

Itchy skin after bath?

My middle son 11) says his skin is very itchy after his bath time, I even see him scratching his legs right now. His skin also gets real wrinkly, but what can I do to stop the itch?

He says its most itchy at his face, legs, arms and back

Itchy skin after bath?
Check your son's soap/bath %26amp; shower gel/bubble bath. If it's regular bar soap, it may be too harsh for his skin. Check for the ingredient sodium lauryl sulfate (not sodium laurethe sulfate) in his bath gel--this is a solvent that is so strong it's been used to clean engine carburetors, but it foams up beautifully and makes lots of bubbles. People with sensitive skin (and most children) who use too much of it can have so much of their natural oil stripped from their skin that it dries out and itches. Check to see how 'hard' your water is (you can get kits at a hardware store); if it's got a lot of minerals in it, this could also explain his dry, itching skin.

His skin is wrinkly because he's been soaking too long, and as it dries this could also lead to 'itching', since once again the natural oils in his skin have been soaked off. Keep a bottle of unscented lotion or body oil on hand and administer accordingly.
Reply:ah ha hmmm maybe the soap or shampoo
Reply:maybe hes skin is dry, give him some lotion
Reply:Take him to a doctor.
Reply:Check what kind of soap or shampoo your using.
Reply:i also suffer from that i have found bathing with dove sensitive skin body wash helps alott. ps i bless his heart its a awuful itch
Reply:my daughters have the same problem. the warm water of the bath dries out your skin, so i've had to make them start taking showers only. then after they pat dry (not rub) we use aveeno lotion head to toe. it's non scented, and non allergenic. it's a little expensive, but well worth it.

my younger daughter also has eczema, so she gets red blotches around her knees and inside of her elbows if we're not diligent with the lotion. good luck.
Reply:I had that when i was younger but i grew out of it have you gone to the docter to find out if it is exema?
Reply:Is your son bathing with a soap that has a strong scent. I know that soap like Irish Spring makes me itch. I use pure and natural and it seems to help. I'd try changing the soap first and if it doesn't help check out a good dermatologist.
Reply:Winter itch. The humidity levels are down and it dries out the skin. I have this problem. When I take a warm bath/shower my skin itches after I get out to. Put some Gold Bond Ultimate Healing w/ Aloe. It works wonders
Reply:next time he takes a bath put some baby oil in the bathtub. I'd be willing to bet that's the end of the problem. I used to work with chemical that would get on my skin and dry me out and that's what I did. I mean to the point where my leather boots would even crack (hell, I had to keep them in saddle soap so I wasn't having to buy a new pair monthly)
Reply:sometimes if i have too hot water it makes my skin red and itchy but the it goes away after a little while
Reply:Well, mom, you need to take him to a dermatologist for testing. I have the same problem, though until you know his cause, it may only be a similar symptom. I itch for 45 minutes to 2 hours after a shower (longer when I used to take baths.) My allergy turns out to be the water itself. The hotter the water, the worse the symptom. When I was diagnosed the doctor told me it wasn't all that rare. You are the first person I've talked to that even had a similar symptom. I'm 55 now, but this started for me at 15.

I also have hives, and was prescribed Triamcinolone Acetonide cream. It stops the itch dead, and it's the only thing that does. So I also use it for the Shower Itchies. Mention it when you get your son tested.

The wrinkly is just a natural occurrence when we are in water, whether it's a pool, the tub, or washing the dishes. Good luck with this. You may email me through my profile if you have more questions.
Reply:Sometimes it could be after using bubble bath, strong shampoo, etc. I would take him to a doctor! I recommend using hydro-cortisone on the irritated area.
Reply:Try getting him to turn the hot water down.

Our son had the same problem and this was great. He might have a bit of excema. (dry itchy skin) OR he might have a bit of allergic reaction to whatever soap he's using. Try using a "baby" soap instead. Don't forget whatever you wash his clothes with should be very mild also. We use Tide Free. (free of perfumes and dyes). Use the lotion on "all" dry itchy patches. This is common by the way.
Reply:WOW..... i thought i was the only one. my daughter complains of itching after her bath! aveeno lotion, and dove soap seem to help.


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