Friday, November 20, 2009

Dry, itchy skin?

I am suffering from dry, itchy skin which is driving me mad! My doctor wants to prescribe steroid cream but Im not keen. Are there any products o the market. Have tried the most main stream, (ie E45, Oilatum etc).

Dry, itchy skin?
Aloe vera gel is pretty good for most things and shouldn`t irritate but do a test area first. Holland and Barrett sell tubes of it....
Reply:Check your diet - I found out it was sugar -

I prefer source prevention rather than sympton cure.
Reply:Try superdrugs dry skin treatment, its pretty good, and for the itching take some antihistamines. Eurax is an ointment that has antihistamines in it, which should help reduce the dryness and the itching.
Reply:Try Gold Bond medicated lotion.
Reply:I understand completely. We live in Arizona, I'm very fair skinned and I have dry itchy skin all the time. I use nuetregena products including an after shower/bath body oil. It really helps. Sometimes Benadryll can help with the itching as well.
Reply:If you have eczema (which it sounds like) I would try to investigate allergies. Se a good allergist and cunsult him about elimination diets. I have had eczema most of my life and they have dissapeared after I eliminated milk, eggs and wheat. My son also has eczema but is almost symptom free when we eliminate the same food items + some more.


Reply:Yup, you are suffering from eczema. I suffer from them too.

Steroid cream are a wonder, trust me. But you can't use them for more than two weeks. So, I suggest taking them then go on E45 cream and put them thinly in the morning and bit thicker in the night. In no time, you'll get softer and flakeless hands!

Do you use soap bars? They can a trigger of eczema. Stop using them and use shower gel or cream instead.

Chemicals can be a trigger of eczema as well. So I'm very sorry to say this.... RUBBER GLOVES!! Use them at home when you are washing dishes or cleaning.

I suffer from mild eczema all my life so wear gloves in winter too. All the time. Yes, cold condition can be a trigger as well.

If you fancy a bit of reading - this is a good website.

Or in some cases of eczema - food allergy is the cause. So food allergy test is a good try.

But I was all clear in this. I got this skin problem from my Dad, he had same problem all his life. Thanks Dad! So does anyone in your family suffers from this as well?

Hope this helps. :)
Reply:the steriod cream will help alot actually. it will moisturize your skin and help control any allergic reactions you might have to everday things.

some lotions that might help are Eucerin, aveeno, or johnson's extra care-ultra healing (i use this one)

here are some links for more info (this stuff can be bought at any drugstore)
Reply:First, dont use too warm water for bathing, it dissolves natural oils. Dont take too long taking a bath for the same reason. The more you remove natural oils, the drier and more itchy your skin will get. No harsh scented soaps. If you are not too dirty probably you can omit soap, just use water or just soap strategic areas. You can use Dove. After your bath, with light towelling , apply at once virgin coconut oil to trap the moisture in your skin. Dont scratch by all means, just apply a little pressure to ease the itchiness. Whatever you apply on your skin, do patch testing first.
Reply:aloe vera is good for dry skin.
Reply:i'm not sure about the itchiness, but for the dryness, add liquid glycerin [from a pharmacy] and body olive oil to what ever body lotion you use it should help with the dry skin. My daughter had really dry skin, used most of the main stream stuff but like u, didn't work. I eventually went to a beatician who suggested this combination n it's worked, try it, it might resolve the itching too.
Reply:I don't know if you have eczema, but if your doctor has prescribed you a steroid cream, I'm guessing you do.

I've lived with severe eczema my entire life and I've experimented plenty with different application methods. The most successful has been applying a thin layer of my steroid ointment (triamcinolone, 0.1%) to the affected area and then using Eucerin Moisturizing Creme for the rest of my body. When I don't use the steroid ointment, my eczema comes back within three days, so I've made it a habit to apply it at least once every three days instead of the prescribed twice a day. This also lets me apply it for longer periods and not have to worry about thinning out my skin. The Eucerin is a really thick creme and you don't need to apply a lot to get results.

I've also tried a lot of other lotions and such, but my best results have been with the Eucerin cream.

Hope it helps, good luck.
Reply:use 1% hydrocortisone, but not the prescribed one from the doctor since those are really strong. Just get the one in the drugstore which are mainly for anti-itching.

If you dont get alot of vitamins in, try to choose a vitamin pill and stick to it everyday,

Also, the most important thing, drink alot of water! 2 Liters at least a day. Water fights of poison in your body, any virus that creates inflammation and irritation on your skin. Also, it takes care of your dry skin as well. Alot of tea is ok too.

P.S. "D BATE A BULL" [2nd answer] is right about the sugar. Cut your sugar intake! its impossible to not eat any at all since its virtually in every food, but deff stay away from it as much as possible
Reply:Dry skin has no permanent cure but the skin can be softened and made smoother by using a few home remedies. There are many helpful tips to cure dry skin at
Reply:i had the same feeling using streriod cream on my daughter and was told only use for three days then four days with no cream after a few weeks i hardley needed to use it. i found hemp from the body shop helped my daughters dry skin

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