Saturday, April 24, 2010

VERY itchy skin on Legs?

Ok I have heard of the pregnancy itches but this is rediculous!! I have the itchiest legs ever! I take a shower and then I start itching my legs, then these red bumps started showing up and I itched them. It feels soooo good to itch! The red bumps go away after my skin cools down after my shower. I have scratched so much sometimes that my legs hurt and are scabby in spots. I know, don't itch but I want to dig my skin off somtimes!!! I have put coco butter lotion on it and to no avail it still itches! what have you done? I am going to ask my dr at my next appt if it dosent stop. Help me!!

VERY itchy skin on Legs?
If you are pregnant, i would not put alot of unnecessary medicines on your legs... such as benadryl lotion or steroid lotions... these are commonly used to decrease itching that is due to contact with something that you are sensative to...however, if you are pregnant, you want to avoid any medicines unless they are really necessary...

If you develop welts, it may be that you have an allergy to someting in your environment.. such as new laundry detergent, perfume, chemicals in the fabric of new clothing, bedding, .. the list is endless of things that can cause contact dermatitis or skin allergies.. these can itch and be very bothersome...

Dry skin can cause what is commonly referred to as "Winter Itch" one home remedy that really works.... keep your skin hydrated... just after you get out of the bath, apply a thin layer of lotion or even vasoline to your skin while it is still wet... this will hold the moisture in your skin and decrease the dry skin "winter itch "

If this does not work, you may want to visit a dermatologist.

Good Luch,

One important thing.... If you scratch an area that is irritated, you can cause damage to the integrity of the skin and develop an infection.. this could make your problem of itching worse than it already is...

One way to Alleviate sever attacks of itching is to rub an ice cube over the area for a bout 30 seconds.. this will stop the itching and will avoid damage to your skin cause by scratching with finger nails.

Hope My Ideas will be usefull to you!

Good Luck
Reply:chicken pox?
Reply:till then put on oven mits...u cant scratch u will have scars!!!!!
Reply:use itching relief really help stop the itch
Reply:uh not chicken pox, no oven mitts necessary lol. its just dry skin, its winter, and when you take hot showers (especailly longer ones) your skin dries out even more. try shortening your showers or at least the temp and apply lotion as soon as you get out of the shower to retain the moisture. good luck:)
Reply:i dont know if its pregnacy cuz i get that way all the time almost everyday i just have sensitive skin.
Reply:Yes with winter and being pregnant. You have very dry skin I bet. And espescially if you take a hot shower. Hot water makes your skin dry out for some reason. I don't know. BUt I've been told to take warm baths, not hot showers. And then put on a thick moisturizing lotion/cream. I had to do this when I was pregnant.
Reply:ask a doctor :]
Reply:if you take hot showers the hot water draws alot of your moisture out. causing you to itch. try turnin the heat down a little bit and puttin lotion on asap after gettin out. i itch all winter from all the gas heat and especially after showers
Reply:take shorter, cooler showers and use some baby oil right before you get out. Then, instead of rubbing your skin dry, just pat it dry with the towel and use a moisturizer, something without perfumes or dyes in it. Vaseline Intensive Care is a good one to use, that will help lock in the moisture just as the baby oil will and that should help your dry skin.
Reply:Try turning the temp on the shower down a little bit - you may be getting heat rash - remember your body has extra stuff going on inside and reduced circulation - your body may be sending the extra heat to your legs to try to get rid of it - you said yourself it goes away after you cool down
Reply:These days, being pregnant, it's hard for you to have anything for yourself. Vitamins, calories, and even moisture are being sucked up by your baby. It's true that, also, this IS winter. Hot showers and baths will make your skin extremely dry. Aveeno lotion or even baby lotion might do the trick. Make sure to keep your legs moisturized even before you get in the shower to keep those post-shower bumps away. =]
Reply:Try some calamine lotion.
Reply:Sounds like a candida yeast related problem. The way you described it feels like the itch is "under" the skin and you are trying to get at it. If you are not digesting thoroughly, the food particles can sit in your stomach causing immune and allergy problems. If you are not eating right, this will make it worse for you. Sugar and Carbs will make you feel itchier.

Take some acidophilus. You can buy it at any vitamin store. GNC has a really good brand. Works for me.

Also make sure you digest your food fully. If you have that feeling that food is coming back up into your throat DO NOT take tums or an antacid. This means you don't have ENOUGH acid in your stomach and when you take an antacid, you are depleting the little acid you DO have. If you are constipated, then you need to take an HCL supplement to increase your stomach acid at meals.

Good luck, it may take a few days - but if you take the supplements you will make the itching go away.
Reply:when i was pregnant i had a condition called colestasis. What you have described sounds exactly like what i had. I would go to your dr for a blood test because it has something to do with your liver. How far pregnant are you?.... I ended up getting induced because of it.
Reply:dont mean to scare you but i was just reading an article on "when to call the doctor" and this was one of the things they wrote about, it maybe nothing bu they say servere itching can be a problem... mention it to you doc at your next appt
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