Thursday, May 7, 2009

Itchy skin?

The skin between by testicles and anus ( I dont know what this area is called ) does get quite itchy quite often. Can anybody tell me why?

Itchy skin?
Thats you're gooch, or properly known as the perineum. Maybe your not cleaning it properly, or maybe its a bit dry. Put sudocrem on it. But make sure its soaked/rubbed in before another person goes down there or they might be a bit conpuzzled.
Reply:Sometimes the area is so close together will produce moisture because of the heat. The moisture could produce an odor also. Sometimes it could turn into a yeast infection. If you wear the regular underwear that my sons call "tighty whiteys" the area creates more heat and more moisture.I have even heard this condition called "jock itch" You may want to change to boxers if you have not yet. Also believe it or not you may want to try Goldbond Medicated Powder. It protects and keeps the area smooth,dry,and comfortable. Men are not the only ones with this problem. Sometimes when women lose weight and have loose skin, the moisture builds up and causes the same problem. I would not suggest any creams unless your doctor prescribes it. If you find that it does not improve, you may want to consult a dermatologist. Just an extr note-most males do not realise that if the testicles continue to stay over-heated, it might cause a problem with fertility.The testicles should stay at a basically cool temperature, this will keep the "boys" cool and viable. As I have said, I am not a physician so if you continue to have problems please consult your doctor

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